Group Coaching
Small and focused
Small group coaching to support, elevate and empower women in politics like you.

Group coaching and training provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity for women in politics: a safe, confidential community based on your unique shared reality of working in politics. A place to process your daily challenges, lessen the isolation of working in a combative political system, balance the responsibilities of leading in the public arena and learn how to build a sustainable political career based on your passions.
Members receive coaching support to address their specific challenges and needs, while also learning from other group members as they are coached – your growth and learning are multiplied!
Group members can receive training in Conversational Intelligence® concepts and tools. We will also draw upon Unstoppable U® program materials, my original content that provides tools and concepts to integrate well-being into your political career.

Coaching groups are kept to a maximum of 4 members, and meet 2 times per month for 75 minutes per session. Each coaching group runs for 6 months, with the option for members to re-enroll at the completion of their group cycle.
Whether you are running for office for the first time, are newly elected or a seasoned politician…there is a coaching group waiting for you!