Changing Politics From The Inside
Logan Reed
MBA, PCC, C-IQ®-certified coach

I am a white, heterosexual cisgender female, raised by a single mother who struggled with addiction and mental health issues. From this, I became unstoppable: first because I had to be in order to survive, now because I choose to be.
I became politically active during the 2016 presidential election, certain that I was helping the United States elect our first woman president – and have stayed politically active ever since the result of that election. I flew across the country to attend the first Women’s March in D.C. and was changed by the experience of a community coming together to fight injustice, both political and systemic.
I am an introvert, who speaks only when I have something of value to contribute. I’d write about my passion for swimming, but words fail to capture the joy that it provides my life.